Tactical Survival Concepts – our name says it all
- You are supervising a project of international development cooperation in a crisis area?
- You are to be sent to a disaster area as part of your work for an aid organization?
- You intend to employ members of your staff in an unstable country regularly shaken by riots?
Work in a war or crisis area poses dangers that most of us are very poorly prepared for. Hygienic shortcomings, life-threatening landscapes, an extremely high potential for violence within the population, a multitude of weapons of war in civilian hands, heavily mined areas – all this represents only a part of the constantly present sources of danger in your future working environment.
Who really likes to think about potentially becoming the victim of a kidnapping? As understandable, as such an avoidance strategy may be at first glance, it is in no way helpful in dealing with the very real possibility. Only a constructive examination of this uncomfortable topic enables us to increase our chances of survival in a self-responsible and active way, should the hitherto unthinkable occur.
We are happy to advise you on all these subjects. Together with you, we will develop a survival concept that is tailored to your individual needs. In doing so, we adopt a holistic approach that goes far beyond the conventional concept of so-called „survival“ techniques. As individual as your personal mission is in a specific field of application, our training concept tailored to your needs will be just as individual!
Our team of highly qualified military special operations trainers have the expertise to prepare you and your co-workers for the ultimate goal:
Your Survival in an Extreme Situation!